

Posted 2 years ago

Ich würde gern die Zugfahrt Baku-Tiflis im Voraus buchen (Reise im Juli), damit die Termine ganz sicher eingehalten werden. Allerdings finde ich auf der Seite keine Option, auf Englisch umzuschalten. Wie macht man das auf dieser Website - oder gibt es noch eine andere Möglichkeit für die Buchung? Vielen Dank, martini

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replied 2 years ago

Usually- one can only book=REServe trains some 45 or 60 days advance in broad-gauge country, travel agents a few weeks before.
Out of curiosity I checked the site of A-zeri Iron (=Demir) Road (=Yollari, nearly exactly the same as in Turkish) and indeed I also did not find any button for lingo. However-about each&every ´social media´ was linked, so use that to best goal!
I set on google-transl and it all came up. On INtern. it showed nothing, in fact the very only thing it could show where the elektrishka around Baky.
Then FAQ; 1st Q: WHEN do other trains come back into service?
We dont know yet, when covid situation comes to the better!
The I remembered that trustful site of RU that would also allow bus/train/plane bookings in the old CCCP; It showed no trains at all for this for this week, next month or whenever.
Then I remembered indeed that both TR, GE and hence likely also AZ have simply cancelled ALL trains last yr-too few pax to make it worthwhile. In TR only the few hi-speed trains remain, so if you plan to come back on these iron roads, there is more to worry about.
For AZ about any westerner needs a visa, for some people this seems quite hard to get.
As you write /de/: the usual source for all zugfanatiker is the forum of drehscheibe-online, then find ausland, scores of people (many it seems remaining from old DR/DDR and very knowledgeable about breitspurland) will know the final answer and likely even have more info.